Mountain Biking in Peru
Mountain Biking in Peru
After a slow trip on our classic and powerful Land Rover support
vehicle climbing the rough and steep Andes mountains near Lima to what feels
like the top of the world at 3700m altitude you are going to be rewarded with an amazing downhill
experience, some bikers call this the best DH ride on Earth. A ride that’ll have you at times thinking you
were riding on the surface of the moon. Mountain biking in Peru is diverse in
its trail offerings, but on this in particular be ready for stony sections, some sandy tricky
slopes, exciting drops and very long funny flowy lines, all gravity assisted.
Unlike the groomed European ski fields that
transform to summer mountain bike parks, the tracks here are through wilderness and generally
narrower, steeper, and adrenalin inducing. A massive run up to 86 km in length
and 3,600 meters of vertical descent from the Andean mountain tops to the Pacific
Ocean – you could almost consider it mind blowing!
See more about this “one of the things to do before
die” adventure cycling trip here: http://www.perucycling.com/olleros.htm
The price to go on this amazing bike trip varies with the group size. We know for some mountain biking enthusiasts it may be a bit expensive –if the group is too small, despite we try to reduce the operations cost to minimum, but for sure this unique experience is worth value.
Want to know more?
Contact Anibal Paredes –Peru Cycling: anibal@perucycling.com
Or from your smartphone via Whatsapp: +51 990128105