THE PAGE LIKED THE MOST ON 2010: 207,616 times
PERU CYCLING - Welcome to our blog
Welcome. This blog site is intended to provide information about the unique off the beaten trail travel experiences organized by Peru Cycling. Also to share photos, videos, tips, comments and to hear feedback from you to make the Peru Cycling trips experience better and better.
Thanks for blogging.
Thanks for blogging.
viernes, 31 de diciembre de 2010
jueves, 30 de diciembre de 2010
martes, 28 de diciembre de 2010
adventure travel,
bicycle travel,
biking adventures,
peru cycling
lunes, 20 de diciembre de 2010
Peace, Love, Happiness, Nice Trails and Best Wishes on the Bike Journeys for you all!
Keep cycling.
PERU CYCLING ADVENTURE CALENDAR is posted now on our website and blog
Stay informed about us and plan when you want to join the real adventure stuff.
jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2010
Custom fitted bike
viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2010
PERU CYCLING: The Off The Beaten Trail Option for New Year days: TRANS DESERT PARACAS
The Off The Beaten Trail Option for New Year days: TRANS DESERT PARACAS
When the Paracas Trans desert bike trip was planned the first time we never imagined what was waiting for us. The journey ended to be so rewarding and greatly impressive after living the experience of the desert's secret revealed to us: hidden never seen before ancient geoglyphs lost among the sand dunes. After that we believe this option fits into the Off The Beaten Trail for the serious bike touring enthusiasts. We are going to have an experience including fun, good cycling and good touring.
We have organized it in 4 days - 3 nights. It will include: Round trip bus transport from Lima, guide, the bike for the trip across the Paracas National Reserve, camping equipment, food and accommodation the last night at Paracas in a hotel right in front of the bay with a nice sea view just to don't forget how civilization is like.
The trip goes well organized with guide, navigation equipment, radiocommunication, mechanic support for the bike and first aid in case of need.
All invited to join the desert experience.
Stay and enjoy the New Year's eve with your family and friends. Live this adventure the day after.
Departure: Jan 7th 2011
Aníbal Paredes
Phone: 990 128 105 (Lima)
Aníbal Paredes
Phone: 990 128 105 (Lima)
See more details here:
martes, 7 de diciembre de 2010
Globetrooper: When Adventure Turns to Expedition: An Epic Discovery of Peru
The beautiful article written by globetroopers Lauren & Todd after the Butterfly River Expedition. They both are the Australians that lived the real off the beaten trail experience of a explore and discovery expedition in Peru. Being the first, from now onward they are part of the legend about this epic journey.
This is the story of the trip from their side. Their thoughts and feelings said the way they better express what was the best exeperience ever lived until now.
Enjoy it.
See the article here:
Kind regards
This is the story of the trip from their side. Their thoughts and feelings said the way they better express what was the best exeperience ever lived until now.
Enjoy it.
See the article here:
Kind regards
TRES AÑOS DESPUES: La Expedición Colca - Majes - Camaná
TRES AÑOS DESPUES: La Expedición Colca - Majes - Camaná
La historia está publicada aquí:
De las alturas del Colca al mar.
Esta historia la he terminado de escribir el 6 de diciembre del 2010, al recordar en un momento dado el viaje que hice hace tres años en Diciembre del 2007, esto confirma varias cosas: que soy un poco olvidadizo, que he estado muy ocupado y que soy perezoso para escribir. Pero nunca es tarde y creo que leerla puede resultar entretenido útil e interesante para quien se anime a hacer un recorrido casi épico como este.
Debo decir que la historia es larga, abundante en detalles descriptivos y en los recuerdos de las sensaciones vividas durante esa experiencia de viaje de aventura épica. Disfrútenla como yo lo hice.
La historia está publicada aquí:
Las fotos las pueden ver en
jueves, 2 de diciembre de 2010
NO MORE TOURS... TOURISTS NO MORE - NEW FOCUS on Perucycling > “unique off the beaten trail experiences”
NO MORE TOURS... TOURISTS NO MORE - NEW FOCUS on Perucycling > “unique off the beaten trail experiences”
Our last expedition was oginally named The Cusco Adventure before departure, after completing the trip "Butterfly River Expedition" was added.
This experience changed our focus and we realized that tours and tourists (including "Susie the tourist") are not the business we are interested in.
The "real off the beaten trail experience" concept is the one that better describes our feeling and what we like to do.
Places with no crowds of tourists, new routes and destinations. Explore and discovery and real adventure are the leads for our next trips.
The unique concept. There is only one first time for some things in life. The Butterfly River Expedition was that, the two austalians coming with us were the first two foreigners ever seen at the remote native comunity we reached after ten days traveling by car, cycling and a final extremely demanding full day trek through the most beautiful untouched virgin forest. The scenic beauty seen reminded me the forest in the Avatar movie, a thousand times better but real.
The final destination was reached thanks to the help from the native guides we met on the way while we were asking following the clues we had about the Butterfly River comunity (the actual name in native language won't be never revealed, Butterfly River doesn’t exist so named on maps).
The privilege of being the first reaching these beautiful remote sites will be reserved for just few people, the ones joining our next explore and discovery expeditions.
These trips will be repeated just two more times with a limited number of people, adventure and nature lovers in condition to afford the demands of such an experience aside from the basic requirements such as fitness, good mental condition, toughness, endurance, tolerance, positive attitude and love for fun. Actually we are not interested in money, we are interested in living real off the beaten trail experiences together with the ones in condition to do this with us.
The details of the trip, location, route, GPS track, etc., won't be revealed in public in order to preserve these sites free of the stream of undesired visitors that would follow us and to keep intact nature and original native culture.
So, the options will be:
Expedition 1. Explore and discovery. Be the first, discover the trail. The unique privilege.
Expedition 2. Be the second visiting the place.
Expedition 3. Be last one visiting the place.
Want to go?
Contact me.
Next year, starting from May.
sábado, 27 de noviembre de 2010
viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010
Cusco Adventure - Butterfly River Expedition - Day 1 -
adventure travel,
biking adventures,
cusco adventure,
peru cycling
jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010
martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010
ONE YEAR AGO: The Lake Titikaka bike tour.
One year ago I was on my way pedaling around Lake Titikaka the highest on Earth, 3,800 m.a.s.l. Memories of that experience come back to my mind. A loved and unforgettable adventure that would like to do again. This is the story that I’m glad to share one more time.
It was long time planned and dreamed. After a couple of days recovering and readapting myself to the usual environment and life, the memories of the splendid cycling experience around LT are still there in front of my eyes and come out to write this trip report article.
Strong adventure, intense, impressive and indescribably beautiful across the high andes plateau. Those 3800 masl make things difficult to the lowlands people not adapted to the altitude, at least on the first day. Afterwards, pedaling improves in crescendo as the road progresses and more and new sights of the lake and surrounding scenery opens to our eyes. The high Andes plateau is impressive, large immense plains become lost on the horizon and melt with the blue lake. Only where the sky meets the ground the profile of the distant mountains is seen.
Day 1. The paved road from Puno to Yunguyo, along the Urcusuyu, the western side of the lake, is hostile, with lots of heavy vehicles traffic, and dangerous as all the highways. That is why from Plateria we –Raphael Piguet and me headed our bicycles eastward closer to the lake’s shores by Pallalla and Titilaka with its hotel, a surrealistic dream; passed by Charcas beach and Socca to ride across an area that according with the maps is covered by water, however now is dry and allowed us to get close to flamingos habitat on the shore of the lake. The afternoon ride continued along an unpaved road by a nice rural area dotted with pretty villages. In one of them where I thought death is almost unknown a 17 years old kid riding his bike was killed by a heavy truck the day before. Something so absurd and difficult to imagine for such a peaceful place. The funeral rituals at the accident site by the family and relatives were sensitive for us.
Ilave, a town sadly famous for not nice events happened months ago, better not to comment about, we just passed through, it was already dark. We had night ride under bright moon light and aided with headlights down to Juli, that was nice, nice fresh and interesting.
Juli, a nice village located among four hills, very steep streets, four colonial churches and some other interesting details. Here de odometer read was 110k. Time to sleep. Those were about 12 hours on the saddle. Ideal for a quick acclimatization.
Day 2. Juli farewell us with a brutal steep climb to get up to the highway. The route follows to Pomata and Yunguyo. Here is the border pass at Katani and from this point to Copacabana in Bolivia those are 8k. Copacabana, crowds of gringos everywhere, a nice, clean, active and interesting town. Its port with many boats has a picturesque look. Overnight here.
Day 3. The way out from Copacabana is another brutal climb 12k long up to 4270 masl along the road running by the top of the peninsula allowing spectacular views of the lake to both sides: the Peruvian to the west and the bolivian to the east, then the road goes down to the Tiquina strait where the pass on board the wodden carrier boats transferring vehicles from one side to the other of the strait is an exciting experience. The way out from Tiquina is a climb too until we reached the plain shores at lake level by Huatajata, a sort of extense beach where the bolivians use to go for summer holidays, there are many hotels and country restaurants of diverse size and quality standards randomly distributed. Overnight here.
Day 4. Early departure because we had long journeys in front of us. For Raphael all the way down to La Paz, for me to Ancoraimes. At Huarina the road forks as our destinies: southward to La Paz, northward to the Omasuyu, the eastern side of the lake. A couple of last pictures and goodbye to the swiss bike tourer following his way across South America on the custom fit bike we assembled for him in Lima. The paved road to Ancoraimes is quite nice, not much traffic and the scenery is pretty rural and relaxing. Soon appears Achacachi, the last town with this days technology available as internet cafes. Further from Achacachi follows an extensive plain almost endless with strong wind against my face making pedaling slow and difficult. Finally Ancoraimes is reached and was found celebrating the Día de los Muertos with dancing groups and bands playing the bolivian terqueada music. There was no other option but to stay overnight in the unique very basic local lodge available in the town.
Day 5. One more time, the way out of Ancoraimes is a strong steep climb, not too long but hard. Follows the plain above LT with superb views of it. This is already the bolivian Omasuyu region. Beautiful landscapes and views impossible to forget. Chaguata, Carabuco and Escoma –a bit distant. villages pass by. The pavement ends, the scenery becomes even more beautiful, more rural, wilderness arises. The Omasuyu at its best, put in one word just H A L L U C I N A T I N G. Puerto Acosta appears on the way, this is an actively commercial town with live exchange of merchandise coming and going as smuggling between Peru and Bolivia. The town didn’t seemed so friendly to me, the people talked and looked at me in a hostile manner so it was wise to disappear from the streets and enter in one of the very rudimentary lodges waiting to leave to Peru, my home country, the next day early morning.
Day 6- Again the way out of the town is a steep climb forcing to push up the bike to the top of the dirt road leading to the boundary Post N° 3 the border with Peru across the high plain at 4100 msasl. The scenic beauty in this area is superb. The return to my home country provided me the breeze and feeling of peace, safety and relax. The Peruvian Omasuyu is really beautiful too, right after each turn of the road a prettier view than the previous shows up. The villages pass one after next: Tilali, Conima and Cambria. Here is found the embarcadero to visit Suasi Island.
Suasi Island and Casa Andina Hotel is another story. A unique and personal experience. It is a matter of sensations of peace, tranquility, environmental beauty, relax and disconnection from the rest of the world. The setting is functional, rustic, nice and perfect, the gardens, the surrounding woods, the lake, everything is almost a magic dream. The sunset watch experience from the top of the island was awesome and indescribably beautiful. Moving colors and changing reflections on the surface of LT is something I have never seen before. Moreover, arriving this place after the last three days without having a decent bed and shower and not eating well is like arriving the paradise and the experience of that extreme contrast between the very bottom and the top, the almost nothing and all the good pleasure and comfort one could expect to have and enjoy. Overnight here. Total peace.
Day 7. Return to the Cambria shores on the zodiac boat of Casa Andina to continue the last 15k of the trip on the Omasuyu to Moho. Here the odometer reading was 447k. The rest of the trip to Huancané, Juliaca and Puno was made on a bus due to time limitations and commitments I had to accomplish with local organizations.
In summary the bike tour around Lake Titikaka was H A L L U C I N A T I N G. One of the best I have ever made until now.
The full set of pics are here:
Are you interested on doing this trip?
Contact me .
Kind Regards
CTP – Cicloturismo Perú
Peru cycling tours
Windows Live:
Skype: cicloturismoperu
bicycle travel,
biking adventures,
lake titikaka,
peru cycling
viernes, 29 de octubre de 2010
Hi there.
Next week THE CUSCO ADVENTURE has been scheduled to live experience our routes and tours together the PERU CYCLING and the GLOBETROOPERS members.
As the idea is to have fun and enjoy an out of the beaten trail trip we are glad to invite all the ones interested in joining the adventure including river rafting, biking, hiking and a something else not to be revealed here.
Want to go?
Contact Peru Cycling.
This is going to be just great!
Kind regards
Aníbal Paredes
Peru cycling tours
Windows Live:
Skype: cicloturismoperu
cusco adventure peru cycling globetroopers
jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010
PERU land for cycling.
PERU land for cycling.
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Since long ago, when I started backpack travelling in my country realized this land is ideal for cycling when saw the scenery, roads, trails, towns and almost endless opportunities to go on a bike, then dropped off the backpack and shifted to the man powered two wheels rig. The change revealed to be correct and empowered my travel capacity in a way totally different revealing that traveling with my bicycle gained autonomy, freedom and enjoy the wonders of being in tune and connection with the land, people, trails and villages on my way. Got a number of friends everywhere and meet friendly people always curious to know about me and my trip. This way Peru becomes so familiar and easy to visit that right after the end of the trip a new trip plan emerges in the mind to go further to discover terra incognita. Bike touring in Peru is addictive due to the awesome experiences lived on each ride, at 20 kph time is plenty to feel, to see, to meditate. Colors, scents, sounds. Open spaces, landscapes in transit. The bike becomes nomad, alone or with someone else.
Then flourished the idea of organizing bike tours in Peru to invite people to live and share this unique experiences. Peru Cycling tours are the result of sheer tests and surveys to define the best routes and itineraries off the beaten path focused in tune and connection with the destination.
The bike tours we organize and lead follow the criteria that best suits people’s taste: small groups, individuals and custom tailored trips, for the regular cycling lovers, for adventure enthusiasts and for the ones interested in serious exploring and discovery.
I want to invite you to visit our website pick the bike tour that you feel inspires and suits you the best.
Hope to see you soon in a ride with us.
Kind regards
cycling peru adventure biking holidays
domingo, 10 de octubre de 2010
View of our bike tours
Welcome again to our new blog.
We start to share info with you by posting the videos we have uploaded in You Tube.
Here they follow.
Hope you enjoy and like them.
Please do not doubt to add your comments and feedback. They are very important for us.
Keep cycling and join for a ride with us
Kind regards
Welcome again to our new blog.
We start to share info with you by posting the videos we have uploaded in You Tube.
Here they follow.
Hope you enjoy and like them.
Please do not doubt to add your comments and feedback. They are very important for us.
Keep cycling and join for a ride with us
Kind regards
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